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Where Can I Buy a Block of Government Cheese

Question: Where Can I Buy Government Surplus Type Cheese?

May 31, 2011

A grilled cheese sandwich made with American block cheese.How do I get my hands on some "Government Cheese"? Thirty years ago, I tasted some government cheese and loved it. It was a rich, yellow cheese with more protein per ounce than most public cheese. How do I get some?

By 'Miss' Bonnie from Denver, CO


June 2, 2011 9 found this helpful

Best Answer

I had the free cheese years ago, too! I have been buying "Fields" brand pre-sliced cheese in the 5 pound blocks. They also have it unsliced. I buy the sliced block and it lasts for a month at our house. It is the best and the closest to the govt. kind. They also sell it in 2.5 lb blocks. I get it at IGA, and use to get it at Sav a Lot. Good Luck!

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August 31, 2016 4 found this helpful

Best Answer

I was told that Land O Lakes American cheese taste like the govt cheese. I tried it, it was pretty darn close.

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September 4, 2016 3 found this helpful

Best Answer

You CAN buy the cheese! It is made by Land O' Lakes and is called easy melt american cheese. It's for sale on Amazon, but it comes in big long blocks like the old days.

5 pounds in a block and you have to buy 5. It's like $112 for it all. If you went together with a few other people it would be good.

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September 21, 2016 3 found this helpful

Best Answer

Land O Lakes American Yellow Process Cheese Slice 5 Pound
$32.05 -
No tax

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Question: Where Can You Get Government Cheese?

March 5, 2019

The question was never answered about where to buy the government cheese. Does anyone have an answer for this?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts

March 5, 2019 0 found this helpful

It is usually given out to the elderly and at food banks. I don't think you can buy it.

Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks

March 5, 2019 2 found this helpful

It no longer exists in the format that existed from the 1950s to the 1990s--that block of orange stuff that was a cross between Velveeta an American Cheese.

Here is an article about it that claims it may be coming back, but sadly it no longer exists:

Today it is more an euphemism for welfare/food stamps.

That said, many food banks offer cheese products...but they are usually name brand like Kraft, that are donated by grocery stores or other donors.


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Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts

March 6, 2019 0 found this helpful

That cheese was made from several different manufacturers from surplus materials. It was probably slightly different depending on what region you lived in. From what I have read, we don't have the large surplus of dairy that we did in the 80s when the cheese was given out to needy families. Some people say that the 5 lb. Land 'o Lakes Extra Melt American cheese loaf is similar.

I'm including a few links because I found them interesting.

April 12, 2019 0 found this helpful

It has been back for awhile. Seniors get it about 1s a month..


May 14, 2019 0 found this helpful

The government still pays money to Dairy Farmers so they will limit their production. They no longer take the excess milk and turn into cheese for the needy. Dairy Farmers pour the excess milk out on the ground

July 29, 2019 0 found this helpful

Govt cheese was actually given away with free food last week.

August 1, 2019 0 found this helpful

It is back. I work at a food bank that distributes USDA commodities and Dare-to-Care. Our monthly shipment came today and included a large number of the 5 pound blocks of government cheese in boxes if six each.

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Where Can I Buy a Block of Government Cheese
