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How to Get Rid of Ovarian Cyst Naturally

Evening lovelies!! I hope everyone enjoyed their Monday. I am currently sitting at home snuggled up in a blanket, that my sister left me, next to the fire place, with a heat pad, big bottle of water, watching The Vampire Diaries.

So for a long time now I have been thinking about the best way I write about something that has been going on in my life.  I don't often talk about health "issues" with people other than my family, and really close friends but I thought this topic should be addressed as the more people I do open up to the more I realize that this is common health problem.  I am fully aware that this is not something I should be worried about, or something that should scare me as there are so many cases of it all around the world. So I wanted to share with you lovely people how I get on with my day when I feel like I cant because of the pain.

In 2013 I started taking birth control, and this is when everything changed.  My skin began to act up (bless it is finally back to normal), my body started to hate me, and I noticed a weird bloating on the left side of my belly begin to develop.  For the longest time I thought this was from my period, or food… and eventually I just started to think it was my IBS killing me.  It all got too confusing, so I started doing my research and I basically self diagnosed myself with Ovarian Cysts.  I had all the symptoms linked to them, and I just needed something to blame for all the pain I was going through.  But this wasn't until December 2015… Andrew had just left, and this swelling on the left side of my belly was getting worse so I booked a doctors appointment (there were several other things going on, but it all came down to stress and feeling sad) to finally get an answer.  Surely after a few tests, and ultrasounds they found that Ping Pong sized nugget of a Cyst. I was so relieved, and happy.  We finally knew what was going on.  I did indeed have an Ovarian Cyst.

Ovarian Cyst 1

These bad boys come in all shapes and sizes, there are different types, and they effect people differently as well.  I have met women who have had Ovarian Cysts for years and didn't even know – gosh I wish.  Since I am not a doctor, and don't really enjoy going into anatomy details I am just going to break down to you people what I have been doing to help the pain, and hopefully get rid of this guy!

PS ILL TAKE NAME SUGGESTIONS FOR WHEN WE HAVE HIS FUNERAL. I have already named his two past brothers who died last year…. Henry, and Winston.  They were both ass holes.  I cant be 100% sure that they were cysts, but the pain I went through those 2 nights (around 4 months apart) was without a doubt the worst pain I have ever dealt with in my life.  Had me in crippling pain, shaking, and feeling like I could pass out on the bathroom floor. If being stabbed repeatedly in the stomach for two hours was an Olympic Sport I would kick its ass because I handled it like a champ…but it sucked.  I have talked to a couple women who have been admitted to the hospital while theirs burst, and they described the exact same symptoms as me…. so to help all of you suffering from this BS I made a little list of remedies, and things I have been doing to help with the pain! AND IT IS WORKING!


So with no further a due….

Here are 9 ways I am healing myself, and killing this Ovarian Cyst that seems to love driving me crazy.

Hot Water Bottle – every morning if I have time I will put a hot water bottle on my lower abdomen so ease the swelling, and help with the pain I go through after having my first meal.  This really helps, and the heat is super good for reducing inflammation, and releasing any built up gas you have going on in there that the cyst has blocked from coming out.

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Turmeric Tablets – these tablets are god sent.  I have been taking 1-2 a day for around 3 weeks and the results have been remarkable.  Three weeks I was retaining any and every ounce of water I was consuming, my body wasn't dealing well with food, any food, ever…and since I eat 6-8 times a day this was becoming a problem.  Now that I started taking these tablets my body doesn't bloat (maybe once a week), and i feel much less heavy and inflamed.  Not only has it helped me deal with the inflammation from my cyst but it is also super good for helping repair damaged liver tissues.  I use New Chapter Turmeric, and I highly suggest it!

Apple Cider Vinegar– Apple Cider Vinegar seems to be helping shrink my ovarian cyst caused by potassium deficiency. I add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water, drink it in the morning, and evening.  I have been doing this for 6 weeks now, and man is it ever working! It is meant to make the cyst disappear completely so I will let you all know how my doctors appointment goes in 1 month!

While we're on the topic of water. I use this great filtration system called Berkey for my water to ensure I have all the minerals in my water I want, and all the bad stuff I don't want is out of it. Check them out here and use MARIA5 at checkout for 5% off!

Peppermint Tea– Good quality and organic Peppermint Tea has really helped me deal with the pain, discomfort and swelling.  I often have a cup of tea before bed, or after meals.

Beetroot– Beetroot contains betacyanin, a compound in our body that helps boost the livers ability to get rid of toxins that are lingering in our system.  Beetroot also has an alkaline nature which in turn helps balance the acidity in our system.  There combined action helps decrease the symptoms that are caused my ovarian cysts.

I read about how to drink it and this is what I have been doing. I Mix 1/2 a cup of beetroot juice/ or powder with one tablespoon each of aloe vera gel and blackstrap molasses… you're supposed to drink this once daily but since I drink Apple Cider Vinegar every morning I just do this every 2-3 days.

Himalayan Sea Salts – (I DO NOT DO THIS ONE ALL THE TIME BECAUSE I DO NOT HAVE TIME) I have heard miracles happen when you bathe in Himalayan Sea Salt.  Some women have noticed decreased pain within days, and some say that their symptoms have completely disappeared.  Anytime I do have the time to take a bath I am sure to add salt.  Just make sure it is amazing quality, and that you add it after the bath has been ran, not during.

Sweet Marjoram and Clary Sage Essential Oil

Sweet Marjoram Oil is really good at soothing muscles aches, and cramps. It is also a great laxative when applied topically with a base carrier oil and massaged over the bowel and intestines.

Clary Sage Oil soothes the nerves, and helps you sleep when the pain gets a bit too much to handle.  I rub one drop, neat, onto my inner ankles, and I notice a lot less pain almost instantly.

Both these oils are amazing, and can also be used in your diffuser to help ease anxiousness, and help promote a calm environment.

Cyst Blend: Geranium and Yarrow Essential Oil Blended in a base carrier oil

Geranium Oil helps restore equilibrium to your hormones. So basically where there is a hormonal imbalance in your body (cyst) it will help aid your system return to normal.  Geranium also,

  • Balances hormones
  • Relieves stress
  • Reduces depression
  • Minimizes inflammation
  • Improves circulation
  • Benefits the health of your skin

Yarrow Oil Yarrow is also an anti inflammatory oil so it is perfect for dealing with cysts.

So how to blend: I took 6 drops of each oil, and added it to 150ml of organic massage oil.

Massage onto the insides of your ankles, and downwards towards the arch of your foot, around 3 times a day till you notice your symptoms ease up or go away (this is just what I do, if you're unsure go speak to a specialist).

Maca Root Powder– Maca is a fertility herb that aids the body produce progesterone and balance the hormones without containing any hormones itself. I add Maca to my oats, smoothies, and treats.  It has a pretty bland taste so you can add it literally anything and hardly notice it is there.  I suggest this super food to everyone!

Phewwww…. ok there you have it, 9 remedies I have been using to get through my day!

As you all know fitness is a huge part of my life, so it was becoming super hard to get myself to the gym, but not once have I let the pain get the best of me.  Although there were times where I literally felt like I couldn't walk or mentally control my emotions as my hormones are so imbalanced from this I still drug myself to the gym, and every time I felt better when I left…. just goes to show that your brain can quickly take over your body, so always remember "mind over matter".  You are stronger than you know.

I didn't start this journey to put half my heart into it.  I give my body breaks when it needs them, and I treat it right 24/7.  Be balanced, keep nourished, and listen to your body.

Sending all my love to you, and I hope someone, somewhere can relate to what I have been going through

Love from your Greek Food Goddess XOX

How to Get Rid of Ovarian Cyst Naturally
