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Maybe You Should Talk to Worf Again

Real World article
(written from a Production point of view)

Strange Bedfellows redirects hither; for the comic with a like title, please see "Strange Bedfellows".

The Dominion and the Breen negotiate an alliance; Ezri and Worf are sentenced to death. (Part 3 of 9)


  • 1 Summary
    • 1.i Teaser
    • 1.2 Act I
    • i.3 Act Ii
    • one.4 Deed Three
    • 1.five Deed Four
    • 1.half-dozen Act Five
  • two Memorable quotes
  • 3 Groundwork information
    • three.1 Production
    • three.ii The Final Chapter
    • iii.3 "Strange Bedfellows"
    • 3.4 Remastered version
    • iii.five Video and DVD releases
  • 4 Links and references
    • 4.1 Starring
    • 4.2 Also starring
    • 4.iii Guest stars
    • iv.4 Special guest star
    • iv.v Uncredited co-stars
    • four.half-dozen Stunt double
    • Stand-ins
    • 4.8 References
      • iv.viii.1 Starship references
      • four.eight.2 Unreferenced textile
    • 4.ix External links



Worf and Dax are transported to Cardassia for execution

Worf and Ezri Dax, formerly prisoners of the Breen, are at present prisoners of the Dominion aboard a Jem'Hadar vessel. Also on board are Weyoun and the Female Changeling. Weyoun congratulates the two Federation officers on witnessing a celebrated moment: an alliance between the Breen Confederacy and the Dominion, against the Federation. Weyoun has Worf and Dax put together in a single cell as he finds interspecies mating rituals fascinating.

Then the Female Changeling enters after having to concentrate difficult in lodge to maintain her normal, polish-skinned humanoid form. She speaks to Thot Gor near a Dominion-Breen alliance and a treaty which will allow them to wipe out the Federation one time and for all.

Human action One

Reading over the text of the treaty between the Breen and the Dominion, Legate Damar is outraged to larn that Weyoun has promised to cede an unspecified number of planets in the Cardassian Matrimony to the Breen in exchange for their allegiance. Damar, the Cardassian leader, was not even consulted, and Weyoun makes clear that he expects Damar to sign the treaty without reading the fine print – that is, without knowing just how many planets he is signing away.

Weyoun urges Damar to await at the "big movie" – with the Breen's assist, the Rule will soon be victorious, and Cardassia will have its pick of planets in the Blastoff Quadrant to choose from. When Damar continues to protest, Weyoun icily reminds him that Cardassia is function of the Rule now, which means all its planets belong to the Founders now, to do with as they delight.

Seething, Damar turns his attention to military machine matters, urging Weyoun to ship reinforcements to a hard-pressed Cardassian unit of measurement fighting on Septimus 3. Weyoun promises to "deal" with the situation.

Aboard Deep Space 9, Full general Martok and Captain Sisko finish discussing official war business concern, and Martok takes the opportunity to congratulate Sisko on his recent marriage to Kasidy Yates. Martok tells Sisko that a very unlike state of war, a "long, grueling, intoxicating" ane has broken out. He recounts that when he got married to Sirella he had a pet targ from back when he was a child and although he loved the old, mangy beast Sirella loathed the creature. When she was moving in Sirella 'accidentally' left a door open and the targ followed the call of the wild and escaped, heading into the forest with Martok never seeing it once again; soberly, Sisko understands that Sirella drew "first claret" in the war between her and her husband. Martok assures Sisko he wouldn't merchandise Sirella for any number of targs, and he'south won plenty of battles himself, simply warns Sisko that no matter what happens, their wives will inevitably win the war. Sisko promises to proceed that in listen.

Dukat, nevertheless posing every bit Bajoran farmer Anjohl Tennan, continues his manipulation of Kai Winn Adami. He continually points to her "prophecy", and how it warned her of the Emissary of the Prophets straying from grade.

Dax and Worf are hanging upside down from the ceiling in their cell as they are contemplating their situation. Worf is adamant nigh getting dorsum to Starfleet, only Dax points out all their difficulties with that, including the fact that they are currently hanging upside down, they are going in the wrong direction, and that she has infinite sickness.

Deed 2

Kasidy finds it hard being married to the Emissary, as her Bajoran coiffure are acting differently now that they serve under his wife and are asking her opinion on all sorts of matters (including spiritual beliefs). Sisko, making dinner, tells Kasidy that each bound he holds a minor ceremony on the station blessing Bajoran women who wish to be mothers… and this year, several requests have been fabricated that the Emissary's wife does the honors. Kasidy politely only firmly declines Benjamin's request, and when she leaves for a sonic shower the captain muses to himself that the 'battle' has begun.

Afterwards arriving on Cardassia, Worf and Dax go along to plot their escape from a prison on Cardassia Prime. They soon plough to arguing, invoking the name of Jadzia, Dax's previous host who was married to Worf.

When Damar announces to them that they will be tried as war criminals, exist establish guilty and executed, Weyoun offers them a chance to escape death, past supplying him with data – both of them have already been mind probed, but Weyoun could use some assist making sense of the scattered data they pulled from their brains. Weyoun taunts Ezri by showing her an embarrassing tidbit from her mind probe and taunting her that it would be "such a shame" if she were to die before revealing her "feelings" to Julian Bashir. Worf responds by snapping Weyoun'due south cervix, killing him instantly. Before a Cardassian soldier can kill Worf, Damar stops him and laughs heartily at the slimy Vorta's death, chiding Worf that the Dominion will simply supercede him with the adjacent clone. He also says that Worf'due south activity changes zilch: Worf and Dax must choose to cooperate, or die.

On Deep Space 9, Kai Winn, while in the presence of Dukat, experiences her second vision from the Prophets. She tells them that she has met the guide and is gear up to serve the Prophets, yet they demand her alliegance and ask her to cast the "false Prophets" out of the Angelic Temple to allow them to return. They then reveals themselves to not be the Prophets, but actually the Pah-wraiths. Winn is horrified and demands Dukat, who plays dumb, go the Orb of Prophecy from Solbor so she can beg the Prophets' forgiveness. Dukat hesitates, but Winn demands it again. Dukat leaves and walks down a corridor with a smile on his face up.

Act Three

In Dominion Headquarters, Damar is enjoying yet another glass of kanar, when Weyoun 8 enters. Damar cannot resist laughing at his predecessor's humiliating decease, but his amusement is brusque-lived equally the brand new Weyoun ushers Thot Gor, the Breen commander, into the command eye and invites him to make himself at home, including total access to the Cardassians' military database. Much to Damar'southward displeasure, Weyoun also tells Damar that from then on every military recommendation he makes will go to Thot Gor, who will then pass it on to the Founder.

In their cell, Worf has fashioned a club from the leg of a bed. Dax causes a brusque-circuit in the cell's wiring that opens the door, allowing them to break out and overpower their Cardassian guards. Worf takes a shot to the leg, and tells Dax to go out him backside, just she refuses, trying to carry him out and allowing themselves to be recaptured in the corridors.

Worf and Dax's absence is felt keenly past everyone aboard Deep Space nine, especially Quark, who continues to pour Dax'south usual potable at the same time every day and place it on the bar, which Main O'Brien finds to exist kind of morbid. Quark retorts that no one is forcing him to sit at the bar. The mood is dreary in Quark'south, merely the moment seems to be particularly poignant to Bashir, who can barely brand sense of the state of affairs.

Kai Winn consults with the Orb, but the Prophets practise not speak to her. Dukat reveals that he is a servant of the Pah-wraiths, and that he has been brought to the Kai for a purpose: to unite against the Emissary and the Prophets of the Angelic Temple. Winn is aghast at the deception, and throws him out. Dukat tells her that all the Prophets have ever done is reject her while the Pah-wraiths are offering her everything she'south e'er dreamed of. Leaving, he remarks that the best she can ever hope for by following the Prophets is to spend the residue of her life living in the shadow of an conflicting Emissary.

Human action Four

"Bajor needs me."
"E–Eminence, being in power is what led yous on the wrong path."

The Kai sits alone, request for some word from the Prophets, asking for some clue so that she can bear witness her worthiness. She decides to telephone call Kira to her quarters, and bares her soul to her, seemingly being very true near their long confrontational relationship. Kira is surprised at this, but responds that she has prayed for her to plough away from temptation. Winn agrees with everything Kira says until she advises her to stride downwards as Kai, because it was power that led Winn away from the Prophets. Winn is unwilling to give up the political ability that her position has given her, maxim Bajor needs her. Farther deluding herself, she justifies remaining Kai past declaring that the events are a examination for her. Kira realizes she's convinced and simply says goodnight.

Equally Weyoun is giving Thot Gor a tour, Damar receives a report that Septimus Three has fallen to the enemy, and its entire garrison of 500,000 Cardassians has been slaughtered by the Klingons. Weyoun, who never sent reinforcements, again urges Damar to await at the "big picture" – the Klingons volition now have to commit valuable resources to reinforcing a strategically worthless planet, which tin simply be good news for the war effort; and as citizens of the Dominion, Cardassians can take no greater laurels than giving their lives in service of the Founders.

In his quarters, Damar knocks back another drinking glass of kanar, looks at himself in the mirror, and throws the liquor onto his reflection in cloy.

In the cell, Dax and Worf talk about their frustrating relationship. Dax asks if Worf feels guilty considering he does not love her like he loved Jadzia. Both admit that their romantic involvement on Goralis Three was a mistake.

Act 5

On the day that Worf and Ezri are to be executed, they brand peace with each other. They were both dislocated by some lingering remains of the attachment betwixt Worf and Jadzia, but realize that they are not in dear anymore. Worf indicates that he has dishonored himself, considering love with Dax was not the spiritual deed that it was with Jadzia. Dax admits that she had never thought of herself as in beloved with Doctor Bashir, and that she would have never concealed that from Worf. Instead, they are "friends and more." Having fabricated peace, the only thing left is for them to face up their executions.

Damar appears at their prison cell with ii Jem'Hadar guards. As they are led outside to their executions, Damar draws his disruptor and shoots down the two guards, giving their weapons to Worf and Dax. He guides them to a patrol ship that has the access codes needed to escape their defense perimeter, and tells them to convey a message to the Federation: they now accept an ally on Cardassia – him. Worf asks why they should trust him and Damar retorts that the alternative is to stay on the planet and be executed. Dax votes in favor of trusting Damar, and she and Worf quickly brand their escape.

In the control center, Weyoun furiously receives the news of the escape, demanding to know what happened. Damar innocently says he has no style of knowing, since Weyoun replaced all the Cardassian guards in the detention block with Jem'Hadar. Weyoun so receives a summons from the Female Changeling, and trembles at having to requite her the news. Damar tells him not to worry, Weyoun nine will make full his shoes if the Founder takes the news badly.

Kai Winn, feeling that the Prophets have turned their back on her, pledges her allegiance to the Pah-wraiths. She and Dukat vow to destroy anyone who would stand in their way, including the Federation, the Prophets, and "their precious Emissary."

Memorable quotes

"But enough virtually the war with the Rule; I want to hear near the state of war at home! You lot've only married that freighter captain, didn't y'all?"
"And so state of war has broken out… whether you know it or not. A long, grueling, intoxicating state of war!"

- Martok and Sisko, discussing marriage

"I detest to admit it, but this is doing wonders for my back."
"I doubt that is what our captors had in heed."

- Ezri and Worf, hanging upside down in their prison cell

"We must get back to the station and warn Starfleet almost the Breen."
"You're correct. There's merely a few problems. We're on a Jem'Hadar ship, heading in the wrong direction, hanging upside downward, and…"
"And what?"
"I recall I'm getting space-sick."

- Worf and Ezri

"You can't exist serious."
"I'one thousand always serious."

- Ezri and Weyoun 7, after the latter "asks" her and Worf for assist in interpreting their mind probes

"Well, howdy!"
"I'm glad to meet y'all detect the expiry of my predecessor then amusing."
"Oh, yous misjudge me. I miss him deeply. Here, allow's drink to Weyoun 7!"

- Damar and Weyoun 8

"Accept they agreed to cooperate?"
"No… maybe you should talk to Worf over again!"

- Weyoun 8 and Damar

"You have the biggest ego of whatsoever man I've ever known."
"Because how many men you've known, that is quite a statement."

- Ezri Dax and Worf

"Am I supposed to be embarrassed because Jadzia had a few lovers earlier you lot?"
"A few?"
"You're correct. It was more a few. It was dozens. Hundreds. In fact, I don't think there was anyone aboard DS9 who wasn't her lover!"

- Ezri Dax and Worf

"Y'all know, my dear, information technology would be such a shame for yous to dice without the adept Doctor Bashir knowing how you felt virtually him."

- Weyoun 7 to Ezri Dax, correct before Worf kills him

"Overconfidence. The hallmark of the Weyouns. Maybe the Founders should eliminate that from your genetic recipe next time."

- Damar, later Weyoun 7'south expiry

"They'll only make another copy of him, you know. You lot should've killed me. In that location's merely one Damar."
"I will keep that in mind."
"I'm sure you volition."

- Damar and Worf, after the latter kills Weyoun seven

"Go. Clamber back to your Prophets. Beg their forgiveness. Live the rest of your life… in Sisko'due south shadow!!"

- Dukat, to Winn

"From the beginning moment you lot came on the station, I knew you lot were not Jadzia, and yet I knew that there was a part of Jadzia still live within yous. On Goralis, I allowed myself to see her instead of you."
"I felt the same way. A part of me, the part that was your wife, wanted very much to exist close to yous."

- Worf and Ezri Dax

"I realize Jadzia saw concrete love very differently than I exercise. To her it could hateful many things, but to me information technology is a deeply spiritual act. When I made love to you, my motives were not spiritual. It was an unworthy impulse."
"Worf, we're not gods or Prophets. Nosotros're people. We make mistakes. There is 1 other matter I desire you to know. I honestly didn't realize how I felt virtually Julian. I would have never hidden something like that from you."
"I believe you. And I practise not agree any malice toward yous or Doctor Bashir."

- Worf and Ezri Dax

"It appears all we have left to do is to be executed."
"Sounds similar a lazy day to me."

- Worf and Ezri Dax, afterwards having fabricated peace

"Why should we trust you?"
"Y'all can either trust me, or y'all can stay here and be executed."
"I vote for option one."

- Worf, Damar, and Ezri Dax, after Damar enables their escape

"The Founder wishes to come across me… she'll have to be told about this."
"Oh, I'm sure she'll sympathize. But if she doesn't… I look forrad to meeting Weyoun 9."

- Weyoun 8 and Damar

"[The Prophets] have never spoken to me; never offered me guidance, never trusted me with the fruits of their wisdom and now I am supposed to step down as Kai in order to be blest past them? No."

- Kai Winn

"How many more sacrifices volition my people exist asked to make?"
"Your people, Damar? We are all i with the Rule. Vorta, Cardassian, Jem'Hadar, the Breen. Nosotros all serve the Founders and we will all make whatever sacrifices they deem necessary."

- Damar and Weyoun 8, later the loss of Septimus III

"I'm a patient woman, but I take run out of patience. I volition no longer serve gods who give me nothing in render. I am ready to walk the path the Pah-wraiths have laid out for me."
"I'll walk with you. And no one will be able to stand up against us."
"Those who dare to try, the Federation and its vedek puppets, the fake gods and their precious Emissary, they'll all exist swept bated similar dead leaves before an angry current of air."

- Kai Winn and Dukat, after the erstwhile rejects the Prophets and embraces the Pah-wraiths

Groundwork information


  • This episode was filmed between 27 January 1999 and four Feb 1999. [1]

The Final Affiliate

  • In the original programme for The Final Chapter, Sisko and Kasidy were not supposed to exist married until this episode. This was considering, originally, when Sarah Sisko warns Benjamin that he "will know nothing simply sorrow," she wasn't referring to his union, simply to the building of his house on Bajor. Every bit such, the marriage itself was never in question and was never called off. RenĂ© Echevarria however, who was writing Part 1 ("Penumbra" – which is where Sarah issues the warning), felt that this didn't really piece of work, that alert Sisko about the house wasn't particularly compelling, and something more difficult-hitting was needed. He came upwardly with the idea that Sarah warns Sisko not to get married, plainly much more serious than warning him not to build a house. However, after Ira Steven Behr approved Echevarria's idea, it was decided that it fabricated more than sense for the couple to wednesday in "'Til Death Practise The states Part"; that subsequently dubiousness had been sown in Sisko's mind as to whether or not he should go married, he would want to go through with it as soon every bit possible. As such, David Weddle and Bradley Thompson were informed that they would exist handling the wedding ceremony ceremony, not Ronald D. Moore, who was writing "Strange Bedfellows". This tardily complexity and change in plans wasn't entirely well received by Moore. As Thompson explains, "Suddenly it's 'Oh sorry, Ron. Y'all can't get them married because that's going to happen in the second hour now.' And Ron is going, 'Aarrggh! Then what'due south going to happen in my testify?'" (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion (p. ?))
  • During the composition of this episode, Ron Moore's wife went into labor a month earlier than expected, and Moore had to take a week off. This threw the writing schedule into chaos, and forced Ira Behr and Hans Beimler (who were working on "The Changing Confront of Evil") and RenĂ© Echevarria (who was working on "Penumbra") to carelessness their own episodes and complete the writing of this one. Equally Behr says, "It got very hectic." (Star Expedition: Deep Space Nine Companion (p. ?))
  • There was a very practical reason for the scene in this episode between Sisko and Martok where they discuss union. Equally Behr explains, "The series was getting so fragmented that we wanted to remind people that Sisko had gotten married in the preceding episode. At the aforementioned time, nosotros felt that Martok had been lost from the series for a while, and nosotros wanted to bring him back in." The scene also served to supercede the wedding scene which had been shifted to the previous episode. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion (p. ?))

"Strange Bedfellows"

Rene Auberjonois directs Marc Alaimo on the set of "Foreign Bedfellows"

  • This episode was originally entitled "Eclipse", following on from "Penumbra" (an surface area of half shadow), and "Umbra" (an area of deep shadow).
  • The title of this episode is an allusion to Shakespeare'south play The Tempest (act 2, scene 2) in which the character of Stephano says: "Alas, the storm is come once again! My best way is to creep nether his gaberdine; there is no other shelter hereabout: misery acquaints a homo with foreign bed-fellows."
  • It is in this episode that the graphic symbol of Damar begins the Cardassian Rebellion confronting the Dominion. Damar becoming a hero was a popular plot line amongst the fans, who plant information technology somewhat unexpected, but Hans Beimler argues that the seeds for his 180° shift in attitude can be traced back to the 6th flavour episode "Behind the Lines", where it is first established that he is a heavy drinker; "Ira has actually good instinct, even when he doesn't know why he wants to exercise something. Information technology was his idea to make Damar a drinker, but he didn't know back then that he wanted to make him a hero. It was answering the question, 'Why is Damar drinking and then much?' that led us there. Damar had a conscience and that ultimately told us where we needed to go." (Star Trek: Deep Infinite Nine Companion (p. ?))
  • Beimler also states that from the very showtime, the character of Damar was e'er destined to go places, irrespective of his low-cardinal introduction in the fourth flavour episode "Return to Grace"; "When we decided on Casey, we cast somebody who was better than the role. That meant we could expand the role from what was originally there." As Ira Behr puts it, "The fact was that we could take this character who started out with ii lines and over the course of a few years, turn him into a complicated grapheme with the weight of the universe on his shoulders." (Star Expedition: Deep Infinite 9 Companion (p. ?))
  • No one was happier with Damar's transformation than actor Casey Biggs, "They started to plow me into a comic volume hero. I got to step out of the shadows and salvage the solar day!" (Star Expedition: Deep Space Nine Companion (p. ?))
  • After Damar ceases drinking in this episode, he appears to be lit in a different manner, with less harsh lighting, and softer shadow areas around the face, giving him a warmer wait than before.
  • Of Weyoun'southward attempts to convince Damar that the Breen joining the Dominion is a good thing, Jeffrey Combs comments, "That's the used car salesman in Weyoun. He slips into that persona hands. 'Look, don't worry almost the details. I'grand on your side here. I want you to have this machine at a skillful price. Merely sign here. Y'all have nothing to worry most. Yous tin trust me.'" (Star Trek: Deep Space Ix Companion (p. ?))
  • This episode is seen as a pivotal i in the role Kai Winn plays in the overall arc. As Behr explains, "Winn is a full loss, she just doesn't become information technology. She thinks she's going to go it. That's the key! Information technology's intricate stuff. Yous think maybe she's going to get it, but she just can't." (Star Expedition: Deep Space 9 Companion (p. ?))
  • When Winn says to Kira, "I've often sensed that you don't approve of how I've conducted myself as Kai, that you lot believe I've put my ain political interests ahead of the spiritual well-being of our people," she could be referring to several instances of past disharmonize between the two, but the nigh likely events to which she refers are probably the death of Vedek Bareil in the episode "Life Support" (where Kira felt that Winn was using Bareil's death so as to ensure that she got all the credit for the Bajoran-Cardassian Peace Treaty) and the election of the Outset Government minister of Bajor in the episode "Shakaar" (where Winn attempted to gain command of the Provisional Government as well as the Vedek Assembly, near causing a civil state of war in the process).
  • According to Ira Behr, Marc Alaimo never wavered from his conventionalities that at middle, Dukat was an okay guy. He'd developed his theory during the shooting of the third season episode "Defiant", a landmark evidence in terms of rendering Dukat a more than ambiguous graphic symbol from a moral standpoint, and despite all that Dukat had done, Alaimo still felt there was skilful in him. As Behr says, "In Marc's mind, I believe he felt his human relationship with Winn was legitimate in some mode, and that, in some wacky fashion, it was Dukat's bid for legitimacy. I mean Marc was actually upset when we had him hit Solbor [in "The Changing Face of Evil"]. Until the very end, he wanted Dukat to exist the hero of Deep Space Ix." (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion (p. ?))
  • For this episode, there were two scenes that were filmed but did not brand it into the final cutting:
    • Kira tells Kasidy that even though her begetter wasn't a religious human being, he attended services because he loved her mother, and she was religious.
    • Kasidy surprises Sisko during the blessing anniversary, and concludes the ceremony for him.
  • A scene from the script that wasn't shot sees Miles O'Brien refer to the events of "Dissipated Girl". (Star Trek: Deep Space Ix Companion - A Series Guide and Script Library)
  • It was during the shooting of this episode that a joke was spawned at the expense of the Breen; "How do you lot defeat a Breen?" "You ask him to walk beyond the room." As assistant director B.C. Cameron explains, "We were working on "Strange Bedfellows", and it was the last scene of the twenty-four hour period. Everybody was tired. Nosotros were shooting on the Dominion send's bridge, and the Female Shape-Shifter was supposed to walk in and be introduced to the Breen commander. So I went over to the Breen background extras and told one of them – a not bad guy named Wade Kelly – to walk across the set and go out the door when nosotros first rolling. But the infinitesimal we rolled camera, I realized I'd made a terrible mistake. Poor Wade couldn't see, but he was determined to give it a shot. Sure enough, he gets to an angled piece of the wall that was sticking out and trips, hit the wall with a big clunk. Then he tries to run across if he tin find a manner past this thing. Merely he just keeps going clunk, clunk, clunk. I'm thinking, 'Finish, Wade. Only stop.' Just he keeps going and finally he gets past his slice of wall and heads for the doorway. Just he forgets there's a threshold there, trips over that, grabs the walls, trying to hang on, finally gets out the door. By this time, I can't encounter him, but I can hear this huge dissonance, like he's ricocheting off the walls out in that location like the brawl in a pinball machine. It was the funniest moment of the entire series." (Star Expedition: Deep Space Nine Companion (p. ?))
  • This is the last episode of the series to be directed past Rene Auberjonois. He did not appear in this episode as Odo per se, only did announced briefly as a Pah-wraith in Winn'southward vision.
  • Cirroc Lofton does not appear in this episode.
  • Damar's comment that Worf and Ezri'south execution sentence has been determined before their trial begins is a reference to the Cardassian justice arrangement that was established in "The Maquis, Part II" and "Tribunal".

Remastered version

  • Remastered footage from the episode is featured in the documentary What We Left Behind.

Video and DVD releases

  • UK VHS release (2-episode tapes, CIC Video): Volume vii.ten, catalog number VHR 4820, iv October 1999
  • As part of the DS9 Flavour 7 DVD collection

Links and references


  • Avery Brooks as Helm Benjamin Sisko / Sisko Pah-wraith

Likewise starring

  • Rene Auberjonois as Odo Pah-wraith
  • Nicole de Boer as Counselor Ezri Dax
  • Michael Dorn as Lieutenant Commander Worf
  • Colm Meaney equally Principal Miles O'Brien
  • Armin Shimerman equally Quark
  • Alexander Siddig equally Doctor Julian Bashir
  • Nana Visitor as Colonel Kira Nerys / Kira Pah-wraith

Guest stars

  • Penny Johnson as Kasidy Yates
  • Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun 7 and Weyoun 8
  • Marc Alaimo every bit Gul Dukat
  • Casey Biggs as Damar
  • J.Thou. Hertzler as Martok
  • James Otis every bit Solbor / Solbor Pah-wraith
  • Salome Jens as the Female Changeling

Special guest star

  • Louise Fletcher equally Kai Winn

Uncredited co-stars

  • Sam Alejan as a science division officer
  • Michael Bailous equally
    • Bajoran security deputy
    • Cardassian baby-sit
  • Majel Barrett equally Narrator
  • Chuck Borden as a Cardassian baby-sit
  • Uriah Carr
  • Amy Kate Connolly
  • Steve Danton as a Jem'Hadar guard
  • Dieter Hornemann equally a Cardassian guard
  • Randy James as Jones
  • Wade Kelley as Breen guard
  • David B. Levinson equally Broik
  • Irving Lewis as a Cardassian guard
  • Dennis Madalone as a Cardassian guard
  • Dan Magee as operations lieutenant
  • Mark Riccardi as a Jem'Hadar guard
  • Chuck Shanks
  • Todd Slayton as Thot Gor
  • Susie Stillwell every bit a Bajoran security deputy
  • Chester Due east. Tripp III as a Cardassian guard
  • Unknown performers as
    • Cardassian guard
    • 3 Breen guards

Stunt double

  • Brennan Dyson as stunt double for Michael Dorn


  • John Lendale Bennett – stand-in for Avery Brooks
  • Uriah Carr – utility stand-in & stand-in for James Otis
  • Amy Kate Connolly – stand-in for Nana Visitor
  • David B. Levinson – stand-in for Armin Shimerman
  • Lynn – stand up-in for Nicole de Boer
  • James Minor – stand-in for Michael Dorn
  • Robin Morselli – stand up-in for Jeffrey Combs and Louise Fletcher
  • Randy Pflug – stand-in for Casey Biggs, Colm Meaney, and James Otis
  • Chuck Shanks – stand-in for Marc Alaimo and Casey Biggs
  • Todd Slayton – utility stand-in


ability; adoration; Alpha Quadrant; amusement; adage; Badlands; bag; Bajor; Bajorans; beast; bony; breast; Breen; Breen Confederacy; Breen linguistic communication; captor; Cardassia; Cardassians; Cardassian-Romulan edge; Cardassian Tribunal; Cardassian Union; club; conversion; Dax, Jadzia; day; death; division; door; dozen; Eleventh Club; Eminence; Emissary of the Prophets; eye; Federation; forest; Founders; freighter captain; girlfriend; "requite the give-and-take"; god; Goralis 3; middle; heretic; honeymoon; honor; Invasion of Septimus III; interspecies mating ritual; Jem'Hadar; launch bay; leader; leg; legate; life imprisonment; "made love"; mange; Martok'due south business firm; Martok'south pet targ; mating ritual; milaberry; Milky Way Galaxy; Occupation of Bajor; Orb of Prophecy; Pah-wraiths; path; pet; ability; Promenade; Prophets; Qo'noS; Quark's; ranjen; Restoration of Bajor; Romulan; sense of humor; Septimus Iii; Sirella; sonic shower; soul; spacesick; leap; targ; thot; toast; universal translator; Unroth system; vote; state of war criminal; warrior; whirlpool; wrath

Starship references

Breen send (Gor's send); Cardassian patrol ship; Defiant, USS; Jem'Hadar attack send (Weyoun 7's attack ship); Klingon Bird-of-Prey (unnamed); Miranda-class (unnamed); Vor'cha-class (unnamed);

Unreferenced material

Koganka pudding; Mountains of Andoria; Surfan; Weyoun iv; Weyoun five

External links

  • "Strange Bedfellows" at, the official Star Trek website
  • "Strange Bedfellows" at Retentivity Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • "Foreign Bedfellows" at Wikipedia

Maybe You Should Talk to Worf Again
